memberi prangko bahasa Inggris
- memberi: afford; award; gave; give; giving; inflict;
- prangko: postage stamp; stamp; postage
- prangko indonesia: postage stamps and postal history of indonesia
- prangko personalisasi: personalised stamp
- memberi: afford; award; gave; give; giving; inflict; accord; allow; do; grant; lend; ply; render; commit; portion; donate; hold; contribute; put up; volunteer; permit; shell out; farm; let; ease up; provide;
- daftar tokoh pada prangko indonesia: list of people on the postage stamps of indonesia
- memberi alamat: address
- memberi alasan: made a pretoxt of; make tich; making a pretoxt of; plead; reason; reasoned; reasoning; render; explain away; justify
- memberi alternatif: either … or
- memberi amaran: warn
- memberi bantuan: lent a helping hand; lifted a hand; lifting a hand; look purse strings; help; assist
- memberi bayangan: reflect
- memberi bendera: present a flag
- memberi cap: brand
- memberi ceramah: give a speech